Specialized care for patients with surgical technology of the chest organs using high technology.

Highly qualified otorhinolaryngologists use the latest techniques of diagnostics (laryngoscopy, otomicroscopy, tomography, endoscopy) and reconstructive surgery, including laser surgery, endoscopic and microscopic techniques and also microdebrider.

Day by day plastic surgery is more and more popular given that it has become affordable and common for people who seek to be more attractive and stay young. Global trends are present in Tyumen as well and here this field is developing very fast.

Specialized, including high-tech, medical care for adults and children in the areas of cardiology and cardiovascular surgery.

A full range of high-tech ophthalmic surgeries such as vitreoretinal surgery, seamless surgery using energy technologies, modern methods of keratoplasty.

Many years of experience, new high-tech equipment and professional skills of our doctors allow performing the most complicated surgery in urology and onco-urology, including robot-assisted surgery with da Vinci Si system.

Radionuclide diagnostics is one of the modern methods of radiation diagnostics for assessing the functional state various organs and body systems using diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals labeled with radionuclides.

How to contact us?
We have established the Medical Tourism Development Coordinating Centre in order for tourists to receive medical services conveniently.
The goal of the “MEDICAL CITY” Centre is to make your treatment and stay in Tyumen as comfortable as possible to achieve the result that will exceed all your expectations.
You can contact us in any way you like: